Greedy guts…
What are these and what are they eating?
Hi folks,these are European badgers they have been coming to our garden for around 15 years big as a small dog and armed with massive claws for digging.
They are eating various nuts,grapes etc
Oh wow!! How cool. I didn’t know badgers love so long! Probably the healthy diet you provide them. There’s a great pbs special (nature, I think, though I think it was on Netflix) called “honey badgers: masters of mayhem.” It made such an impression on us–i remember laughing as we watched–and ever since, I am in awe of badgers (totally novel to me since we don’t have them in the US)
Aww cute!
Great footage!
Badger, so the house Sigel for Hufflepuff?
Wow nice
Badgers?! We don’t need no stinking badgers?!
Very sneaky
So cute
So cute
Those are bagers not really good thing to be feeding them