✨ Introducing eufy Key Users

Great idea… this is such a brilliant community, i just hope you have more planned for the UK to be included :slight_smile:


Sounds great!

Sounds like an interesting program. I’ve been installing various alarm components and have modified door sensors for tilt operation (useful for garage doors) and window sensors (for use with existing previously used Ademco-style glass break and window opening sensors). Easy enough to do. Also have made 3D printable plastic parts to better hold and mount Cove components. Can help others do the same.

Sign me up

This sounds like a great idea!!!

So basically a Govee Ambassador for Eufy?

There are ambassador level opportunities for those who would like to move to that, but at this level, this is more about rewarding users for engaging in a positive way. :slight_smile:


Great ideas.

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Iove eufy products!

I like this initiative or rather I really like the way EUFY does things… I like the products and everything related to them and the community works as far as I can see… Congratulations to all​:clinking_glasses::100::+1:

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I will try to be a key user.

Sounds great

Love this idea

Happy to join and be a part of something great and amazing well done thx always God Bless … :smiley:

Finally. Something positive in this country rather than destructive, evil or just plain mean! We welcome this opportunity to build up vs. building down.

Looking forward to being part of the community. I’m a new user, and so happy to have chosen Eufy. My research paid off and the piece of mind has been awesome!! Thank you!!! :grin:

That’s wonderful

Nothing but Great Things happening at Eufy!

How do I take someone off my system