Unlock the Power of eufy | Expanding the Storage of S380 HomeBase (HomeBase 3)

i connected my home base 3 to Wi-Fi today.


:+1: nice. I didn’t know it had the capability already installed… Like a Wi-Fi card. Strange eufy didn’t make it work out of the box.
Just had to wait for eufy to push out a firmware update for it to function.
Nowhere it was stated that it was going to happen at all that I know of.

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Wifi is now available with latest firmware updates

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:laughing: agreed


When are indoor cameras going to be added to S380 Homebase. It was Oct 22, then few other dates, then Feb 2023 now March 2023 still no update! Wtf!

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Why do end users respond and no mods or reps being responsible just plain rude arrogance.

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Did you find a hard drive ??

Update for hb3 go fk yourself!!!

Can the Indoor cam video be saved and recorded to the home base 3?

Unlocking the power would be making ALL cameras compatible latest update is May 2023?

Can someone please explain why we sometimes don’t get any notifications to our phone on events happening. We have adjusted the settings to all variations and still not happening.

does anyone think that the duel door camera end up being compatible with the homebase 3 I jumped in and brought the hb3 at its reduced price only to find its not compatible with the battery duel front door 2k camera


How do I pair my cameras to the homebase 3

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Promises over 6 months ago that many cams would be compatible back then and still nothing!

For God sake, when is HB3 going to work to indoor camera? It’s end of March

What’s the point of these community chat/forum when there is nil official response from eufy. 

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Rather angry with Eufy now, they sell Homebase3 and camera kit and when I want to replace my current homebase2 three solar powered cam2 I cannot as the power to the s300 is UBS-C, so I spent £300 on basically useless item, right now Eufy has lost my respect. Be warned users it could be a very expensive migration.

I wouldn’t bother, stick with the homebase 2

See link re smaller size. It appears that smaller sizes are affordable. At this time I would think using USB backup or cloud storage with 1T ssd for $130 would be good enough at present. Unless you have lots of camera etc.

Use without internet?
I have HB2 but 24/7 internet is required for playback. Question: once HB3 is setup (with internet) can live video play back if the internet is off/down? HB3 is advertised as processing locally. I’m hoping the playback lag is therefore less than HB2 which send to cloud then you have to download it to play…the thief has been and gone!