I have homebase 2 with cam 2 cameras. Activity zones just do not work. In the pic I still pick up cars driving down the street. I keep telling my wife hang on they will fix it. It’s been known before the last firmware update, but it is still not fixed. I sent a fairly large list of problems with this included. As one person on here said, apparently they don’t use their own product because these are obvious issues.
Same issue here. I keep redrawing the dumb boxes and messing with motion sensitivity but keep get notified every time a car drives by.
The top corner of the blue box is on the road even though there is a post and bush. A car would trigger that.
Im having the same problem with my eufy cam 2. I have adjusted the zones and the sensitivity but still get alerts from outside of the motion zones. Can anyone suggest fix or is the an update in the future to fix this?
It’s picking them up close to the house. The little bit in the road is mostly obscured by bushes also.
I have the exact same problem. I contacted support and they stated the cameras don’t completly ignore those activity zones. I’m wondering why would the app recommend implementing them if they are not useful at all. Then he started talking about triggering and a lot of other stuff (made no sense ) which made me think they are aware but dont want to acknowledge the problem. I really hope they do work on a resolution soon. Also, i wish they would use a more flexible marking for those like the doorbell. To give them the benefit of the doubt i think they are just rolling with this til they can figure out a solution and might not want to leave people without any functionality.
Are you detecting all motion or human only?
I’m using All Motion #6.
I’m having a similar problem (EufyCam 2C). I’m using Human detection. During the day when human detection works, it doesn’t do too bad a job with just the occasional trigger, possibly on the very edge of a motion zone. Due to the only option being rectangles, the corners get close to the edge of my drive.
At night, when it switches to all motion, I notice a lot of alerts outside of the motion zone but looking at the alerts, it seems that although motion is detected outside of the motion zone, there is something it may interpret as motion inside the zone, in the form of car headlights. I wonder if this sort of thing, maybe a car shadow is causing the issue for the OP?
I’m not making excuses for Eufy, even though I imagine it’s a tricky problem to solve with the PIR/AI combo but could it help narrow down the source of the false alert?
@jmiller148 - kudos on the lawn BTW.
Ginga, what you described sounds like a posibility. Sounds a lot like what im experiencing. I have donated some of those recordings, hopefully they found a way around it. Maybe if the motion in the initial trigger was added to the video as initial motion source that would help identify or help the consumer understand why the motion was triggered. Then again im not sure if thats stored as part of the video meta-data.
Wow I got that problem too on top of other problems. I thought these problems would have been discovered before selling these cams to the public or at least have a fix for the problems. some of these problems have complaints all the way back to 2018. It’s looking like they are putting the dollar first before service. I will probably sell my cams if I find a more reliable company.
Although not ideal - Human detection may help here. Although my EufyCam 2’s work with all motion set with activity zones I did see this issue with the battery doorbell. It would pick up all passing cars and people outside the activity zone until I switched to human only.
I switched it to human only and it seems much better. I would prefer all motion, but if this works for now then good. Thanks.
Same issue for me with the Floodlight Camera, almost all detections are outside the activity zones (cars going past) and I’m finding it very difficult to get detections inside the activity zones unless I’m within 1-2m of the camera. I continue to tweak settings but unless something improves dramatically I may have to return the product.
I’ve been tweaking this all week to no avail except using Human Only. I turned down sensitivity. It did not stop picking up cars until I got down to 1. If only it would pick up people, dogs and cats like it does vehicles. EUFY has a thing for vehicles. Tires as faces .
I also have the exact same issue with my 2c cams. My front yard and activity zones look very close to yours except the road is little farther away and it’s picking up cars. So what’s the point of saying you can setup activity zone if the shit doesn’t work. Also having 4 point zones sucks big time. They should implement 6 point zones like the doorbell but if they don’t work well then useless.
I have pretty much given up on the activity zones. I find human only with sensitivity of 5-7 works pretty good.
What’s so sad is this is from one of their own post.
Activity Zones can be set up in the Motion Detection settings. You can specify an Activity Zone within your eufyCam’s view in which you want motion to be detected. Anything captured outside this area will be ignored by the system’s AI. You can now set up to 3 Activity Zones to minimize the chance of false alert.
I have fixed my activity zone problem for my original post picture. Sure activity zones still do not work like they are supposed to. I was picking up vehicles, riding mowers, everything but people in the road even though the road was not in the zone. My fix is and old one. Tape. I taped a little less than half of the sensor. It has never worked better. No more false detections from the road and it gets people on my porch and in the yard near the porch. I guess as we get firmware updates I’ll pull the tape to see if they have it working as advertised.
The same issue. Catching almost very adge of the view where my neighbours pop up even though have only one zone and opposite of side triggering motion. Hope they fix it. Annoying as hell.
Have all motion #6. Cam 2.