All cameras lost from home base

Today all my cameras have been lost off the home base, as if they where never there… any thoughts.

Obviously I can re-add them but am suspect as to why?

Thanks all

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Log out and back in again.

Lost my cameras from the home base. Logged out and back in. Did notwork

Did you just update the app to V4.01? If so, they changed the upper level of their hierarchy to handle multiple homes as well as Share devices. If you don’t see your devices when you log in,just go to the top left of the main app and click the arrow by the email name for the app. Under that submenu is a choice called Shared Devices and if you click on that, it will restore all your devices.

Typical shit Eufy software.

They should have re-attached the devices by default instead of letting users hang and having no devices appear. At the very least, pop up a message on initial logon telling people how to get their devices back.

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