Any insight into this? I thought our data was private on our internal home devices?

After seeing this video, I would like to ask for some answers as to why this information is so easily accessible for someone trying to get it? I thought the whole reason for buying this equipment was to keep our data safe and secure within our own walls? That IS the point, right? And isn’t advertising such services a blatant lie if this is in fact true? Which I can’t see how it isn’t…

I see either a bunch of lawsuits for privacy related issues or misleading marketing/false advertising coming in the near future. And I just spent almost $1,000 USD on Eufy equipment. Looks like it may get returned before I even plug it in for first use, unless there is a clear answer to the issue.



@eufy-official @Community-Team

I’d really like an answer to this as well. As someone who spent over $1,000 USD recently on eufy equipment, BECAUSE EUFY said this was local and private and NOT on the cloud.

I feel like Eufy needs to offer some sort of monetary compensation for users who feel like they’ve been misled or lied to and cannot trust Eufy and now need to find alternative security cameras.


I to would like a response on this as there is a severe lack of privacy and security, the fact that eufy live streams can apparently be viewed by anyone via VLC 100% unencrypted is a bloody joke!

Video from LTT explaining the issues and they are extremely bad. As it is I may as well broadcast my cameras live worldwide on YT as that is basically what Eufy is doing.

Not to mention uploading images to their cloud when they advertise they don’t and they are also tagged to the person.


For the European citizens please report eufy’s behaviour to the ICO. They will likely get a massive fine for this breach


This needs to be shared over Twitter and Reddit. HUGE SECURITY VIOLATION!!!


Im the OP and I actually found this info from a Reddit post. I don’t do social media besides Facebook but it has been shared there, twice now. Myself and another poster shared it. Word is getting around, and in my opinion, that’s the only way I feel it will get addressed. Have to add fuel to the fire before Eufy would feel like acting on it. It is a major part of how their software works and I’m sure things would have to be completely recreated on their end. As in the app and how it works. But I’m glad people are starting to see this so we can hopefully get a resolution!

This is scary, I run 10 cameras and most are located inside of the house. I purchased them because it was mentioned that they offer military grade encryption.

Wow…a tech company lying through their teeth for profits and refusing to comment. What else is new?

But seriously, I wonder if those of us who have HKSV enabled are affected by this? I have 4 cameras in my home and this makes me question even having any of them plugged in at the moment.

Has there been any update from Eufy on this topic?

The customer service rep I spoke to claimed that my call was the first he was hearing of this and deflected me to Seems the company wants to try to bury the absolutely unacceptable level of security failures.

@eufy-official @Community-Team

edit to correct email address

Yes, HKSV means nothing to Eufy. There is no native HK camera from Eufy. You must FIRST add it to their app and then convert it to HK. This is why I ditched them a year ago. They were questionable to start and I should have listened to my gut. I finally ended it after all their shady in app practices and lack of any support for their junk hardware.

I would HIGHLY suggest turning off/disconnecting ANY Eufy camera you have inside your home. Many people don’t remember a year and a half back, there was a glitch that allowed anyone to see anyone else’s cameras for hours. Yup, you could watch someone else’s baby via your app.

I have been saying for years that Eufy is a crap company that is NOT trustworthy. People bought in because it was cheap.

Also, expect no reply from Eufy on this. Even if they do, they will downplay it, spin it or say they did “this, this and this” to mitigate.

Whether this is genuine incompetency or deliberate malice, what else would you expect from a chinese company? Its like playing in traffic and being surprised when you’re hit by a car.

So reading the comments from Paul’s YT video (Eufy leaking your "private" images/faces & names... to the cloud. - YouTube), it appears that the “get_all_history_record” has been removed from their sites code BUT it’s more like swept under the rug.

I’ve triple checked my camera feeds and I cannot find anything as to what he is speaking to in the video. I’m also not a cloud subscriber but judging by the YT comments, that doesnt seem to matter either.

I’m not giving Eufy the benefit of the doubt. What he found is a legitimate security issue and one that Eufy needs to answer for. However, it seems that they are also scrubbing this flaw from that specific site ( in order to save face.

I think this is the final nail in the coffin for my use of eufy products. Between last year’s breach, the sudden suspicious surge of 5 star reviews for their previously unpopular app (they have bought reviews obviously) and failure to fix geofencing… I give up.

Blatantly mis sold as local storage - breach of gdpr - trying to hide the problem and rectify now without an explanation is unforgivable - i would contemplate keeping the tech with an explanation of how to integrate into a VLAN and remove anything other than local access but the general consumer has no idea about any of these issues and has bought as a plug and play local storage device - shameful to be honest this is truly shocking images of wherever your cameras are uploaded without your consent

They Replied to Gizmodo:

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It gets worse. You can stream Eufy cameras with no encryption at all. Anker’s Eufy lied to us about the security of its security cameras - The Verge


The ICO is for the UK if I see this correctly. For the EU residents it is the EDPS.

Here is the link to the website of the ICO and it states what you need to provide in terms of information.

For the EU residents:

I encourage everyone to do the same. Please report these huge issues to the authorities. This will help us and the authorities can force Eufy to take action and/or fine them.

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Anker has been lying to us from the start. Customer support is non-existent as well.

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I’m reporting this to the ICO as soon as you reply to my complaint or 1 month has passed. I not only demand a full refund of the devices have bought but I’ll also be demanding compensation for this. I only chose Eufy systems as they claimed this sort of thing didn’t happen.