When will we finally get the API promised since bout 2 years now.
In 2022, standalone cams without any possibility of integration into some Home automation systems are basically useless.
I don’t get the logic here, you are basically creating a new camera every quarter and then you want us to only buy one of them and use them on a standalone basis…
Basic features, like relaying motion triggers from eufy to a home automation system or switching all or certain cameras into ‘Away’ mode together aren’t available, because your engineers are busy with creating floodlight cams… Hello? Listen to your customers, please!
Add support for various home automation solutions.
I use Home Assistant and i really love to have a full integration by you guys. Not the diy options we have to work with now. ( TNX to all the diy people for giving us integration options for now)
Please Eufy at least provide the community with a full API packet.
Ofcourse with the RTSP streaming for the doorbells.
Your products are amazing, but we need integration with the smart home market.
Im amazed a company with zero customer support survive this long after reading lot of threads here, they cant even handover a API to the community they promised to do 3 years ago.
It has no intergration with other systems because it dont support Smart things, IFTTT or any other automation service. I bought it yesterday and throwed it in trash today.
Buy a system that have support because this dont have it.
They did actually promise IFTTT integration with the initial Kickstarter. I believe it was even printed on the box. They just never actually added it to the product.