Cam Recording 24/7

Hi there,

I am in desperate need of a cam which can record 24/7
All my current Eufycam 2 cams do exactly what they promised to do, but I want to record all activity and get warned when people enter certain parts.
So a new Eufy option to record 24/7 or a additional cam. Anybody any idea ?

No battery camera will give you 24/7, battery won’t last more than a day or 2

The wired indoor cameras & new wired outdoor camera can record 24/7 to an SD card

I should have been more clear. I realize that it needs to be wired. So … is there a Eufy option?

Eufy have relased an outdoor wired cam which is 24/7 in the US.

I wasn’t aware that eufy had released a wired outdoor version but just saw this:

Looks like this must have been released recently