I am wondering if it possible to have the security system set to geo mode so that when we are home it reverts to a scheduled mode?
I would like it so that when we are home and it’s night time the system goes into away mode so that it will record and notify me that there is a person. I would then like it so that after say 6am it switches back to home mode unless I leave the geofence area.
There doesn’t seem to be a way to achieve this currently or am I missing something?
This has been a major request for a few year’s now, There are so many posts regarding adding schedule to geofencing from many users. A few years ago Eufy was trying to implement, was scheduled for second quarter in 2020? Still waiting? Unfortunately this will not be implemented. Worked great on my old Arlo system.
Thanks, on the surface it sounds like a fairly simple thing to implement I would think?
Hopefully this is something they get onto soon. Had I know this I probably would’ve opted for a different brand camera.
Agreed, if combined with geofencing we need TWO schedules: one that is linked to “at home” (alarm on at night, and off during the day) and one that is linked to “away” (alarm is always on, except when the cleaning company comes by). Linking 1 schedule to geofencing does work perfect for me, but is not sufficient.