Hi everyone
Indoor cam 2k pan and tilt
I have ticked the box for continuous record but notice when I turn the camera on and then press playback nothing has recorded.
I am useless and things like this so do I need to turn the camera on permanently and if so how.
I have all the motion sensors turned off is this the reason.
The blue light is on .
Must be doing something wrong.
I’m having the same issue. Although I have a time profile in place only to record at night I still see no recordings in the list. Only detected movement recordings.
Do you have the SD card in the cam? If so, is it seated correctly in the slot. The camera has to have someplace to store your video so you can access it.
I have two Pan & Tilt camera’s. One has a 32GB samsung evo SD card. The other has a 64GB samsung evo SD card. Both record motion without any issues but recording continuously either on a timed window or 24/7 does not work.
@Michael_Young Out of curiosity, it doesn’t work OR you haven’t selected it under settings to record 24/7?
Same problem here. With sd card and continues recording activated, no recording is done in the last few weeks
Its doen’t work. It IS selected.
@Michael_Young If you have an SD card in the camera and you selected 24/7 recording…then unfortunately I believe there’s an issue. I’d contact Eufy’s customer support. Best case scenario, they help troubleshoot it. Worst case, request for an exchange or refund.
Same problem, nothing recorded with the 24/7 option. It’s only recording events with motion detection enabled.
Same problem. Recording and playback work manually but when I set my recording to continuous or schuduled it failed. I did find that I could get it to play if I was home and let it spin. When I was away and had 4G connections it would not play.
Do you have the Security setting for Record Video checked in the Home Mode?
Hiw do you know it failed were are you looking for the playback. Mine is working fine.
yes. I have the solo outdoor e24. I have since learned from a reddit chat that the only way it will record for continuous or scheduled mode is that I have to actually press the record button during playback. If I leave the app for any reason the recording is cancelled. This seems to be problematic for me. There is no cloud service and the memory card in encrypted, so if I want to archive a scheduled recording, I have to manually record the stream, hope my cell phone battery holds up, and do nothing else for the 8 hrs of recording I want to download. Not a good design.
I think you hit the nail on the head. Not sure about all Eufy models, but yes, not only do you have to select continuous record under video in the camera settings, you then have to go to the security tab, select the camera and make sure record is selected for whichever mode you want it to record. If geofencing is your selection then make sure record is selected for the “away” selection also and if you want to record while you home select “record” under “home” also.