Custom Alarm Sounds

Hey folks!
I’ll be tagging in here with wishlist items every now and then.

A big one, is that a super cheap floodlight cam I bought (that I plan to replace with the Eufy Floodlight cam) has the ability to choose from different alarm tones, which is SO NICE that when the alarm goes off it doesn’t piss off my neighborhood, it just chimes to let the person see that the camera and think twice. However, the ability to upload your own (and loop x times) would make it feel more like YOUR OWN home, and be a game-changer when you can’t make it to your phone to say hello via the mic.

Use case:

  • Walk by floodlight in the daytime, a happy chime rings
  • Walk by floodlight in the night time, an audible warning about recording happens.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the custom alarm sounds!

You have our promise that our engineers would work day and night to improve this product and we are glad to have your support and understanding, which would be a huge encouragement for us to seeking continuous improvement.

We will consider the possibility of future development. Any other concerns we can address in the future, please feel free to contact us.

​Thank you for your support. Have a lovely day.


This would be great if we could get some custom alarm sounds!!


Even just a chime sound on motion to let people know the camera is recording would be active deterrence.


This is a great idea! I would like this feature too


I would love to have some decent chimes (like a “ping!” Or gong, or ring) made available as homebase2 alarm sound or even better have the opportunity to choose my own sounds.

The rationale behind this is when someone approaches my property I just want to be informed that somebody is there not alarmed.


I’m bumping this one to see if we can get custom sounds. I’d like to see a verbal notification instead of a sound so I know which camera is sending me a message.

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I second that! The two alarm options I have available are far too aggressive and the duration is too long.

I would really like more options including general chime/sound to notify me someone has enter my property.

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I completely agree, I would love to have a custom alarm.

I really really really want to put the tune from Red Light Green Light (Squid Game) on there :joy:

Bumping this again. Come on Eufy, I have 7 cameras and really need to know which camera is sending me an alert. I know you guys can do this. It’s so easy to change and make custome rintones for my phone, why not that option for camera alerts?

Bumping this again. Love everything else about the cameras except the alarm sounds. Surely can’t be that hard for now just adding a few more alarm sound options.
I want to use my driveway camera as a kind of doorbell. Not feel like I’m being robbed!

Bumping this again. It’s been more than 2 years that this request was raised. The company promised to enable this by asking their engineers who are working night and day. Horrible experience. Didn’t expect this.

Send feedback to eufy because they dont read community forum: in main page of app, Help, then at bottom : feedback - product - suggestion - description of issue

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