The culprit… A landscape light. Apparently the heat from the light started melting the snow around it and the shape it was forming the A.I. starting detect it as a pet but, come on ~ 88 clips of the same detection the A.I. should have thought something was up.
I finally Marked it in the App to stop.
Oh…. The mark feature is back. Good. This has always been a problem…. The software doesn’t look to see if it’s a moving trackable object. At least they give you something on these outdoor cams. The indoor cam has nothing… no mark option … no privacy zone to block… and the AI ignores any activity zones. Your only option on those is move the object or move the camera.
Yes, the Mark feature is back but, it’s not like it used to be. Any motion it captured I was able to Mark it if it was a false positive. Now it’s…
This is for the Solo OutdoorCam C24.
When you’re viewing the video of motion detected if you don’t have the circle of the image it captured of detection then you have no Mark option.
Which sucks because prior I was able to use it before. The cam would pick up shadows of tree limbs swaying and I was able to Mark it as a false positive without it having the circle of what it detected. Now no circle no Mark feature.
And now this is showing up as a pet detected seven times so far, may as well turn off pet detection for the meantime.
Yeah, the AI ignores my activity zones too.