Does anyone hav

Does anyone have this camera and no about how it works?

I recently purchased this, but I want to make sure that it can be connected to my HomeBase3. Also, does it REQUIRE a micro SD card to work? I am only interested in recording motion events, but I want them to be stored on my HomeBase and I want to be able to control all of the features of the camera through the eufy Security app.

So I guess to sum it up, I am wondering if this camera can function solely on my HomeBase without a micro SD card.

Also, any opinions or thoughts about this device would be appreciated.

It is a great camera for indoor use. The card is optional

I got 14 my bedroom because that’s where the safe is and uh, I would turn it off at night but the infrared would still kick on and off so I put it back in the box. I’m not positive but because it’s a wired cam. I think it’ll record 24/7, and it has to go to the 380 in order to do that, i think…

Sorry I need to check my talk to text before I send


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