Doorbell blue ring doesn't light

The blue ring on my Eufy 2 K downbell does not light up at all. It is connected to my existing doorbell. At night, when there is motion, the Led night vision red lights come on, but the blue ring never does. Anyone know what to do?? Should I disconnect and take it back

After I relocated my battery doorbell from right next to and parallel with the door to a perpendicular wall with the 15° wedge, it now seems to start recording people as they’re walking up the path, rather than when they’re already there or leaving. That’s an improvement, probably because now motion is detected moving across the PIR detector’s view, rather than straight towards it.

However, the doorbell’s LED light doesn’t turn on until several seconds after the person has already reached the door and is moving. It’s odd that it records as soon as motion is detected, but it delays turning on the LED light. As a result, people are unsure of where to press the doorbell, because the camera lens is surrounded by the red IR lights, but the button isn’t lighted at all.