Eufy 2K Indoor cams, RTSP too compressed? Lowlight video unusable

I posted a question earlier on lowlight live view vs. recording through the eufySecurity phone app, where live view was very clear, but recording playback was too compressed thus useless.

I just realized the RTSP feed from the camera that I recorded through Blue Iris on PC is also terribly compressed, so also useless for security purpose. See the 3 different screenshots I took below.

At this point, I am guessing there are actually 2 video streams:

  1. a “high quality low compression” stream just for eufySecurity live view
  2. a “low quality high compression” stream for both recording to camera’s SD card and RTSP

So a few thoughts…

  • I am assuming liveview is the 2K stream, but SD recording and RTSP use the 1080p stream? Can anyone confirm?
  • I selected “2K HD” as the recording quality in the app, why is the recording still so terrible vs. liveview when both should be in 2K?
  • Even assuming RTSP is 1080p, the compression rate is way to high. Need to have a setting to dial it down.

Live view is very clear

RTSP feed is terrible (no transcoding, directly recording to AVI)

Playback in eufySecurity is also terrible