Eufy again comes to the rescue. Saved my dog.
Oh my God!! Thank goodness you had a camera to alert you. Were you there and able to get to him quickly? Was he’s stuck for long? Did he have cuts from the wire, or did he separate the two panels and get stuck in between?
We adopted a 4 year old dog from the shelter. His canine teeth were extremely worn down in the grooved part. Our great vet told me that it was from trying to chew his way out of a wire crate. (Obviously not the first time she’s seen this.) She recommended a plastic style crate because even the wire door is more chew resistant (harder to get their teeth around). Looks like he’s young, so you should probably make that investment sooner than later. Please be very careful and do not leave him alone again in a wire crate… Also maybe be careful about leaving him unsupervised with toys (all this I say from experience…) Good luck and thanks for posting that—such a good reminder of unforeseen dangers, as well as one of the great benefits of cameras for monitoring…
Guessing he wanted out…
Dogs should never be in cages
It looks like he needs a friend…
Yea dogs should not be in cages all day it’s cruel and not safe, case in point. They should be supervised. I cringed seeing that video my heart dropped to the floor…but thank goodness he’s OK. Please find a different way to house him.
I really feel sorry for the poor guy
Is that what he’s in…? I didn’t even see that…