Eufy Cam 2 2K Pro On Best Buy?

Can be right. These were going to be send out to some people for beta test.

Hmmmm I have heard about these but didn’t know they were released maybe a mistake? @Insider know anything about this?

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Who do you think the beta testers are? It’s the buyers. the cam2 system have been reduced to under $300


All I know is one of the utube reviewers announced the eufy cam pro and link to sign up to be a beta test. This was just over a week ago.

I just saw this as well, came to the forums to see if it was a typo. I was about pull the trigger on a set of the cam 2. I guess I’ll sit and wait and see what this pro 2k is all about. If anything, it may bring the cam 2 price even lower?

I just bit the bullet and purchased an add on Cam 2, 2k from Best Buy’s website. Hopefully it’s the real deal!

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Let us know. There is a review on Best Buy saying its 2K

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I’d be cautious on this. If you look closer at the tech specs on the product, it shows that the resolution on the cameras are 1080p:

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Best Buy has a habit of copying a prior listing and not updating the new one completely. My BB has them instock in store however theyre only open for Curb pickup otherwise I would go look.

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They do have the new model number listed (T88511D1), and here’s what I’m seeing in the Overview section on their site. Curious about the Pan/tilt/zoom.


There’s 5 reviews on it too. Two of them say it records in 2K quality at 15 fps


Picture from Best Buy purchase taken from Reddit