Eufy Keypad in Homekit environment

Hello Eufy Team and all the Eufy community,

I plan to buy a complete Eufy video system, and use it through Apple HomeKit.
There will be 4 cameras Eufy 2, connected on 2 different Homebase (because of the distance, 2 cams on each Homebase) and one keypad to arm/desarm the system.

Here is my questions :

  • Can I ear the sound of the cameras in HomeKit ?
  • Can I use the keypad to arm/desarm all the cameras, even they are connected on 2 different Homebase ?
  • Can I control the user codes though Homekit or have I to use the Eufy App only ?

Thank you for all your answer !!
Jérôme Diaz

Hi Jerome,

I’m not familiar with homekit, but the keypad can only be connected to one homebase.

Hi John,
Thank you. Hope I can use it with all my cameras…
If the support have an answer, it would be great !

Did you contact the support?

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