EUFY Security App notifications for remote security alert

How can I convert/on send/trigger a phone call on my phone or a constant alarm sound when I have set the EUFY system to “away” and one of the connected cameras detects motion and the home base sounds an alarm. The EUFY app does send a notification to my mobile, but it is one quick beep and a banner on my EUFY app icon only. If I don’t have my phone in front of my face (it’s usually in my pocket) I don’t hear or see the notification banner sometimes many hours after the alarm has been activated!


In your phone settings (at least on iPhone not sure about others) pick a notification sound for the default sound that is louder and longer (there are several) and then in the Eufy app under notifications for each camera pick default sound and it will use the default sound you picked for your phone. I had the same issue so that’s what i did and made a big difference. Hope i explained it correctly

Many thanks Eric and I did exactly as you suggested last year. I used a “submarine alarm” sound (which persists for around 15 seconds) that I purchased for a couple of dollars and set it as the default notification on my iPhone. Yes it is good however, there are other Apps (such as rideshare, utility and appliance Apps) that also use the default iPhone notification sound which means I have the alarm sound going off several times a day – ugh!

I am at a loss to understand why EUFY cannot associate its notification with either a unique alarm sound (like my apartment remote intercom system does) and/or trigger a phone call with an alarm sound when answered. My 20 year old wired alarm system in my home previously had this capability so any security event provided an excellent, unique remote notification. This is what most people would want from an alarm system, the confidence when you are away and the system detects a possible intruder you receive a significant alarm notification/phone call on your mobile so you can take necessary action.

Hopefully EUFY has this important improvement planned?

Kevin Szekely