has anyone ever

has anyone ever received anything other than the 10% OFF coupon out of the 3 things you randomly get everytime you donate 100 videos for each milestone?? I’ve only ever gotten the coupon not the motion sensor alarm or the hand held vacuum thingy. supposedly it’s chosen for u at random but I always get the coupon everytime. Just curious to see if it’s just me


Hello, I have already mentioned you in other posts, hoping to help you, and also hope you continue to participate in donations to receive physical products. :hugs:

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It is real. I have received batteries, alarm, and two cameras.

Thank you for your continuous participation.

Long time user and the answer is nope

I have even participated in surveys beta testing and still have yet to receive anything even when a survey says will receive “stuff”

Thanks yall

I got 100 coupons and a camera

I’ve only ever received several $10 coupons (Not for Accessories).



I got a spare battery for a doorbell. And about 8000 £10 off codes that save be used together or with any other promotion so are pointless. I gave up donating clips.

Yea that’s been my experience coupons totally worthless

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