home intruder,

home intruder, forcing himself into my home.


It’s terrible! :japanese_ogre:


I had to defend myself. Said he was going to hurt me badly. No sound and I told him to get out at least 5 times. Then he punch me in the face and I snapped.


Scary moments for sure. Hope your ok

That’s intense.

He went to jail for braking into my apartment, burglary and assault of a 70 year old man. Thought I would be an easy target. First he made a trip to the hospital, l hurt him badly. If you count the 3 hits with a makita drill, which l smashed to small parts on his head. I know he well have a reminder of me, when he looks in the mirror and sees the scars I gifted him. Now I feel he my come back. Told myself and police he would be back to get me. Nabor said that I need a gun, so I’m going to get a heavy duty Dewalt to smash his head on his return, makita’s brake to easy :grinning: . Me, cut on hand, finger marks on neck, punch in face. Other parts of video, 30 seconds sections show forst entry and him choking me. All of this was 3 minutes in the apt. Attacking me. You see only 30 seconds. Police have all the clips and made a 3 min video which provides all the DA needs for the case. Hope he has awile in jail to think about his return to my apartment.


:weary: :weary:

Just double checking: this is not an Oscar worthy acting, right?

Sorry about your ordeal… For a minute I thought you may be thinking pulling the trigger

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He is nuts… Lock him up for good

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Hope you are ok!


Omg! How scary is that! I’m so glad you stood your ground and protected yourself! And I hope that man is in jail. But most importantly are you okay?

Is this for real?

Looks like typical retirement home issues with a case of dementia.

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Assuming this is real, this must not be a stand your ground state. This would be a legitimate FAFO scenario as far as I’m concerned. There would be no police involved until after the guy had been made a good home invader. Your home is your castle. Defend it as such.

Roflmao he’s calling the cops cause he is trespassing and got his arse whooped for it. Lolol good luck on that Mr drill to the head :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That was epic sir! Loved it

Great job at taking care of yourself stay safe hope you are okay