Help! My homebase 2 keeps saying cannot connect to wifi even though it is directly plugged in to my router via ethernet cord. Then all my devices disappear. I have replaced the ethernet cord, unplugged homebase, reset it, erased the eufy app then tedownloaded it again, and have resynced all devices and it continues to have the same problem. Does anyone have a solution?
You may have already tried changing ports on your router. That would be my first step with what you have already done.
The Homebase will automatically try to connect via wifi if it cannot see an ethernet connection. That sounds like what its trying to do.
Another step would be to assign your homebase a fixed IP address in your router. This is usually called an address reservation and ensures that the device always has the same IP address. This way, you can ping the address and see if the homebase responds. Might help trouble shoot the issue.
Thank you, I will try that