Got Homebase update this morning. Anyone knows what it adds or fixes?
It adds:
- separate setting for homebase sounds vs. alarm sound (the alarm delay can now be silenced!)
- thumbnail in notification for eufycams
- notification for entry sensors when open for x minutes or (still) open after a certain time of day
It breaks:
- disabling the alarm from the app or keypad triggers the alarm when motion is detected after the user initiates the action to switch modes. Probably this is because the mode switch takes abnormally long. So it sounds and then says ‘alarm off’.
Aside from that, I do not know what has changed ‘under the hood’.
Good suggestion, I will do a separate post on updates on different firmware and APP version for your guys reference.
yes please, we really like to know every detail
No thumbnail image for 2c if it released in this update.
At first I did not get any. But it seems that I do get some thumbnails. Keep trying, and you should get some too
Note have to go in to setting and change notifications
Hopefully will work now. Will test later.
What happen to usb drive support?
Why are you even posting on this thread when the whole eufy team ignore real issues???
Same here, no thumbnail in either IOS or Android
Mine is offline 5 hours now during the update and I don’t know what to do !!!
You tried switching off and on again or is it flashing still updating?
Try these help suggestions
Getting thumbnail notifications from both of my 2c now.
Thank you Mengdi (and your team) for the update to the Homebase sounds, we already thought the sounds where to loud. Now we can adjust it.
When is the update released for the Netherlands, for the Homebase 1?
I tried all of this but nothing happens so i remove it and i tried to reset it but again nothing happens !!! It doesn’t resetting !!!
You will need to contact support if you not yet.
This is exactly what has happened to me twice during the Eufy Homebase 2 updates. Once on my original HB2 and after I set up my replacement HB2, another update caused a update loop like yours. I’ve tried resetting mine as well and when pushing the provided pin from Eufy the sync button turns red but there’s no voice message saying that my HB2 has reset.
What’s your network setup? Do you have a modem/router combo or a separate modem and router? Are you using a mesh system?