how do people i

how do people in the UK find the Eufycam S3 solar charging? seriously considering but worried it will still need charging. will be on a south facing wall

The S340 works fine in the UK London for me with our glorious sunshine :sun_with_face:

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I utilise 3 of these cameras in Yorkshire, during winter they can dip down though with some good winter sun they do hold charge well. From summer till now mine as gone from 100% to about 45%.
This doesn’t worry me as now we’re getting more daylight they will increase in their solar conversion and charge up to normal levels.
The key here in the UK is to ensure that the camera is mounted to gain optimum solar capture, away from shaded areas and preferably a south facing position. Or think of adding another external solar panel if needed to gain extra solar energy absorbtion
Check environment to minimise false activations that can increase battery drain and calibrate your PIR to ensure cutting out false activations.