Hi all
I have bought eufycam 2 system with 3 cameras and I am very impressed so far. however I wish to extend my system with a eufycam doorbell but when I look into buying one I find you have to buy the complete system with the home base . Why do they not just sell the doorbell to add on to your existing system like they do with extra cameras.
Thank you and I look forward to any response.
At the moment the wireless battery doorbell is only available to purchase with the homebase, apparently they maybe selling the doorbell on it’s own later on but there are no dates available as to when this will be
You can buy the wired doorbell. That’s the one I have. It all works seamless in the same app.
Seconded - you can buy the WIRED one by itself. I’m not sure why the wireless one doesn’t have the option, but TBH I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a product refresh down the line that doesn’t need a homebase, and also includes HKSV. Too many people are asking for it at this point for it not to happen in the next round I feel.
Thanks for your support in Eufy.
So sorry to say that the separate battery doorbell is not available now. But it will be released soon. Please keep an eye on our store.
Sorry for the inconvenience.