If I turn OFF motion notification it doesn’t record. I want everything to be recorded but I only want to be notified if the bell actually gets rang. I was advised to do a reset, which I of course.
Motion detection is on.
In notification both boxes are ticked.
And in security, home 2 of three boxes are ticked. I’ve switched off the annoying siren.
This is my issue.
As I want everything to be recorded but only notified about door rings. If i turn off notifications then motion does NOT get recorded.
Please help me out. Thanks.
That’s odd, it should still record. I just did a test on my doorbell based on your settings. Doorbell Settings, Notifications, Get Mobile Notifications When: Doorbell Ring: ON Motion Detect: OFF.
My Security settings are set the same as yours are for HOME.
I went out twice in front of the doorbell and did not receive a notification, though it did record me twice.
So it appears you have it set correctly…
2 things to try. Go into Doorbell Settings. Camera ON: toggle that OFF and then back ON. See if that helps. If not try toggle the Motion Detection: OFF then ON.