Night number 8 and the damn night vision turns BACK ON!?!?! I have turned it off every evening, yet it keeps turning itself back on! Only my bedroom cam which begs the question - is someone else accessing my camera without my knowledge??
It’s annoying and need an answer as to why it continues.
I’m sure you did a factory reset on it. When you realize it’s back on…is the switch in the app actually toggled back to on? And when you then set it back to off… do you test it right after that to see if it accepted that change?
Of all my cams … my 2c cams play games with me like that. But the app is always set to where I left them. Toggle that feature on and off and all is better for a while. Indoor 2ks and cam 2 pros are rock solid
Thanks. I looked and there is a toggle for the same in homekit that is ON. So that would explain that. It keeps happening but I just turned it off so hopefully that resolved it. Ty