Insecurity Came

Insecurity Camera.

A euFEAR Horror filmed ENTIRELY on eufyCams.

Happy Halloween :jack_o_lantern:



wooow! god! man! that’s a really cooooool vedio!!! do you make it all by eufy camera? it’s awesome!

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This reminds me of the Paranormal Activity series, it’s just awesome


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I was really startled when that person showed up


Thank you! Yes all filmed eufyCams

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One of my favourite films :wink:

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There was a person? :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:


I have a number of Eufy cameras, and recently bought a new one to help me get rid of rat. This guy apparently bought one to capture him attracting rats by feeding them :hushed::man_facepalming:t3:

Nice editing. How long have you been doing videography or video editing? Happy Halloween from a fellow photographer/videographer

Cool editing

Thanks! I’ve always loved editing but am a total amateur - using modern editing about a year

Thank you - I like editing more than filming!

That is cool


That is petty awesome

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Good show!

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