Manual activation of ALL camera Alarms?

I see this has been requested before, but some time ago.

At night, we do NOT want any of our camera alarms activated to annoy the neighbours or our household unnessecarily.

But, if there were an intrusion activated by motion etc, surely there must be an easier way to activate all of the alarms manually?

Presently, it would seem that we need to navigate to each of the individual camera screens individually (& not all of those alarm icons are located in the same place. depending on camera model.

This is quite some problem for elderly house hold members in particular. Far too time consuming & especiall if one were panicked by the montion dection alerts.

I’ve tried Trigger & Automations but still doen’t seem to make this any better. Surely there must be or SHOULD be a way to manually turn on ALL alars at once?

Not sure if it works without a homebase as well but with one, if you look under “Modes” instead of automation there should “device control” and “group control” setup options.