New Geofencing Bug - turning to away when home

I understand there are still issues with geofencing but a new bug has popped up.

I have deleted all the apps on other devices to insure I only have one device using geofencing. It is not perfect but I know when I leave or arrive home there are times I will need to bring up the app. If it has not previously identified where I am this will cause it to recognize my location then automatically switch to either away or home. Not perfect but have to live with it…

Lately, once a week for the past two weeks, I get woken up by alerts on my phone as bedroom motion detector is detecting my movement. Geofencing had been on home mode for 8 to 12 hours at this point. Geofencing is switching and locking to what I believe is away mode. I can switch the security mode to Home then back to Geofencing but geofencing goes back to away mode. The only way to clear it and is to close the app completely and then reopen the app. Once the app reopens, it resets itself, correctly, to home mode.

Can Eufy either fix this or if not a bug advise what would cause this? Thanks

I just had the same issue. Had a heart attack when I walked into a monitored zone while Geofencing in and alarm went off on device.

Geofencing switched to away mode while I was home.
Restarted phone and know back to home mode again.

This shouldn’t be.