I have installed cam2
I m not getting any notification and no recording. I can see live view no problem. And how do i acess the recordings
Cam anybone help
@akash_juneja I would check under the “Security” tab and see what mode you have set. Then look under those mode settings and make sure ‘Record Video’ and ‘Push Notifications’ are checked.
To access recordings, go under the “Events” tab to see them in chronological order (recent event on top first). You can also check out the videos per camera as well. It’s located on the individual camera on the right side of the snooze button. It’s in a box, usually with 0. This will change when you get recordings, but you’d have to change the mode settings first to capture a recording.
I have found a few different devices have certain tweaks in the app. I see a notify on the live view area and my wife’s phone does not but follow Sobrevilla suggestion.
Thanks for suggestions
I have to factory reset to make it work back
I have the same issue with my 2k pan and tilt cam. Sometimes there would be no recording. I had to restart the cam to get it working normal again. This happened multiple times since the latest update.