One camera failing to notify when triggered

Hi one of my cameras has stopped notifying me when it is triggered. None of the settings have been changed, I’ve changed the battery, setup activation again, switched on and off etc etc
The camera picks up when manually viewed and the LEDs come on at night when activated but no notification.
Has anyone any idea as my second camera is ok on the system?

Continuing the discussion from One camera failing to notify when triggered:

I hope someone has an answer for this. I have 4 cameras and they’ve all begun to do this intermittently. I’ve charged them, turned then off and on and moved the hub to a more central location. They all live stream perfectly but often do not trigger or record. I’m on the point of sending them all back as not fit for purpose. Before I do has anyone had this issue and resolved it?

I think it’s the same problem here. Since Homebase has updated to version 5.4.3 there are no push notifications and no videos. Live video is working but no push. I changed the trigger from “only human” to “detect all” and now i get push notifications and videos again… Hope that helps…