I have bought a few 2k indoor cams. The problem i am having is that everytime i leave home, i have to manually put each camera on away mode and likewise upon my return to home mode one by one.
Is there no way to set modes using a universal button that would put all cameras in away mode rather than doing one by one?
Otherwise, this is such a nuisance and i may return these cams back.
@uariaz I would second that request!! We need a “short cut” where we can add our indoor cams,
floodlights and home bases all in one location where we can select modes as groupings.
@uariaz Unfortunately, there isn’t. Automations are only available within each home base. I’m guessing the app would have to control these “separate” devices in a shortcut.
Hopefully, Eufy will consider adding this as a feature, because an Ecosystem should work TOGETHER and not individually in one app!
I really hope so too, but it has only been a few days and i am tired of manually switching between security modes for several cameras every morning and night. I am getting tired and starting to give up.i may end up returning these if…
@uariaz I agree it’s a hassle. I have to do it several times a day and it gets old. However, I really enjoy the cameras! The look, the quality day/night, motion detection, alerts, screenshots, audio, alarm, flexibility…and of course video.
My cameras have fortunately caught some interesting things around my property that I can save and address with police at times. I wouldn’t get rid of them just because of this minor flaw within the app. I need a camera that does everything I mentioned before. That’s my top priority! I’m just hoping Eufy can figure out a way to make their system a full and easy operational ecosystem for all of us to use.