Setting mode which is recording but not sending me notifications

Hello Community
I want to set a mode where cameras will be recording but without bothering me with notifications.
When I am away from home, I will keep the standard mode ie receiving notifications when someone is spotted. But when I am at home, I would like the recording to continue but the notifications to stop.
Any idea? I tried to create a new node and unticked the “notification” but kept the “recording”. However, cameras stopped recording.
Any help?

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Turn off notifications to your phone when your home

Isn’t there a way to enable the geofence to alarm/disarm or (change the security mode setting)?

The other way would be to go into your phone’s settings and pull up the Eufy app permissions. Then uncheck the notifications box. That’s one way to just shut down all notifications.

Yes you can set those in the Security modes. In my Home mode I’ve deactivated all notifications but the cameras still record.