Some random kids came trynna open my door next time what should I do ?
Maybe try talking to them, they’re just kids…
Add Warning to let them know
Sad dumb dumb
Aks what they want?!
It looked like two guys walking also, she could have been scared and was pretending to know who lives there. Next time speak up, you could possibly save a life.
Have a conversation with them through the camera I have done this a few times (particularly with solicitors)
In this instance - there are many things that this could have been (mistaken door, a spotter for the two guys to come behind her for B-and-E, etc.)
Definitely up to no good. Looks like one of the kids went down the neighbours path.
she look like she was scared or trying to hide from something or someone.
Im curious to why someone is outside in the snow with no coat on🤔
Finds out they were with her and the kids had been drinking . After this incident next day a car had been outside at 3am in the morning full with teenagers in all black and they would constantly walking around til 4 almost 5 circling the townhomes kinda sketch
I’m in Colorado people love the cold over here
Did you get video on that…?