Storage wheres our expansion

WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO ALLOW US TO USE USB STORAGE AS ADVERTISED? We’re waiting. What’s going on? I think we deserve an honest answer.


No expandable homebase 2 storage will be added. Perhaps homebase 3 will have expandable storage, but that has yet to be confirmed.

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I’ve been waiting for this promised feature which was stated on the website as coming for a long time. This sounds false advertising

I hope this is not correct but given I have yet to see expandable storage it appears that was a pipe dream. Love to know why they can’t make it possible to use the usb port on the homebase.

Just becasue there is port on the homebase doesn’t mean the capabilities exist to support external storage. Remember that all video is stored encrypted on Homebase and all Eufy storage, so some kind of enhanced processing would be necessay to support on the fly decryption without compromising existing functionality.

Back in October of last year Eufy announced on this forum that they wouldn’t be supporting external storage on Homebase2. They announced that a planned Homebase 3 and Cam3 would be coming out sometime in 2021. They have learned their lesson and did not promise external storage or detail what functionality improvements were going to be included with the new homebase 3.

You do have the current option of using RTSP or a NAS to store your video clips externally, so it’s not like there are no options available. I am using a Raspberry PI 4 as a local NAS and streaming several of my cams to it without any issues.

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Frankly I am disappointed with Eufy, over a year ago they promised USB storage for the HomeBase in 2 - 3 months. Now as I read various other threads, the answer is wait for the HomeBase 3. So I’ve recommended Eufy to friends with a “don’t worry more storage option is coming”

Thanks for letting me down Eufy !