Unable to add eufycam E on homebase 2

Hi I’m unable to add my add on eufycam E to homebase 2. I have upgraded the latest firmware on the homebase but am still unable to sync or find the camera.

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Do you have anything else setup on the Homebase?


Hi yes the eufy doorbell battery version.

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Sounds stupid but reset your setup and add the Eufycam E first and then see if you can add the doorbell.

I say this as I had to do this when I got Eufy entry sensors and then add the cameras back on so it might work for you.

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Ok let me give it a try and I’ll update u if it works.


I’ve removed the doorbell camera and tried adding just the Eufycam E but it’s still unable to detect or find the camera’s.

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Well I’m stumped as on this thread it say you can, I just thought it was being a silly bugger

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I suggest you to contact support@eufylife.com.

Our engineers can help you on this.