Unable to connect to homebase (-1) after app update

Greetings from The Netherlands. Last week received a new Eufy update on my Android phone, got some new fancy icons as well as the error message " Unable to connect to homebase (-1) ". 1 Homebase 2 + 2 Eufy Cam Pro 2. All connected to WIFI and was working great before the update. Signal between all 90-100% and also wifi by ISP as well as through Ubitique AP’s is working 100%. Formatting the homebase, showing camera’s views recording etc. works great; problems occur when trying to remove a record or when you want to make some changes to the homebase, for example change the time notation from 12h to 24h. Tried to connect through 4G, wifi ISP as well as Ubitique AP’s at home. Same result. Also tried to change the settings at the Eufy App "Unrestricted Data-Usage"as well as “Background Data” turned on. Powered down the homebase; started up again and the message was gone for a day. Now returning again.

You might check and see which Region the app thinks you are in. Some users couldn’t make changes because Eufy added a new Region variable in the app Settings Menu.

Same problem at IOS version. Eufy fucked up the last software version

Come on, they didn’t f*ck it up.
If anything, uninstall the app, install it again and walk through the setup steps correctly.
If it was really the app version not working, many more people would have this issue.

Same Problem on 4 devices. Everything fine before SW Update. So, what could be the problem?