Videos disappearing before I delete

My videos were on my phone until i deleted them, now the previous day is gone before I can look at them. What happened? This started Around Feb 1st. Annoying as neck
A car was stolen from condo parking lot and I could not look for video :rage: it had vanished poof

Last year Eufy implemented a 90 day limit on videos on their devices and didnā€™t tell anyone. Supposedly itā€™s related to some EU regulations about data retention, but they implemented it globally. Anything you want to keep longer needs to be downloaded before its wiped by the system.

But 24 hours? Thatā€™s stupid

If you are losing clips in 24 hours, you have something else happening. You donā€™t say what devices you have so its hard to give you any help. Are you looking at the Events tab of the app? If so, you should be able to use the calendar at the top of the page to go back 90 days and view any clips from that time period.

I only have doorbell. Alerts are being wiped before I get a chance to view them and NIW doorbell video is not picking up movement or people.
Exā€¦i came home around midnight and there was no alert that i came home.
This update is horrible

I too am seeing clips being deleted before my eyes after one day. This prevents me from seeing them. This started a week or so ago (Sept 10?) and is continuing. I havenā€™t been able to see any recorded videos since then.

Issue is with the SD card. Standard SD cards become corrupted quickly (after one year or even less) in video camera because they canā€™t bare the continous writting.

Get your hand on an ā€œenduranceā€ SD card, which are designed for continuous writting. They will last longer but will corrupt too after 4/5 years.

SD cards must be renewed