When using a tablet in landscape mode there’s no way to go to “Playback” unless the tablet is physically turned sideway.
Just do a right-swipe on the screen and Playback menu shows up.
It doesn’t but you mean hitting the back button, yeah that work but the plaback menu can only be used sideway
I have 3 different tablets of different sizes and makes. They all show Playback when you do the following.
In Landscape mode you should see the word Live at the bottom of the screen when you select a camera. If you put your finger on Live and swipe to the right side of the screen, the Playback menu will appear.
I don’t see that, the image is full screen and if I tap once I get 3 icons to the left, Alarm, Record, Sound togle, and to the right Hold and speak.
That’s all I got, I’m on android with 16-9 screen ratio.
BTW @pysailr Yes I have that Playpack-Live at the bottom but only in portrait mode.
Don’t tap. Swipe right.
I run the app on 3 device,
Nexus 7
Galaxy tab A 10"
The image goes all the way down there’s nothing showing up if I swipe any and everywhere.
I pulled out an old 7" Samsung Tab 4 and downloaded the latest app version and see what you see. The menu line at the bottom of the screen is gone.
My other 3 tablets, Samsung Galaxy S2 10" , S4 10" and S2 7" all show the a line at the bottom with the Live caption and menu controls. Swiping right brings up the Playback option and controls.
Are you running the latest Eufy app version? Its 2.3.0_792 and was updated yesterday. I looked for some way to change the screen size, but the old Tab 4 doesn’t have a lot of options.
You might send an email to support@eufylife.com and send them a screen shot of what you see. They may know a setting that can help. At least, they will know there is a problem with their screen resolution code and can get it on the list to be fixed.
The problem is most likely related to the screen ratio,
I’m now using a 2800x1752 Galaxy Tab S7+ and it’s same problem.