C220 Indoor Pan Tilt Camera Bionic Mind?

Hi everyone,

I hope you are all doing great.

I just thought I would pop by and ask a question as I am in the market for a new camera in my kitchen to keep an eye on my dog at night should he need the loo so I get alerted and can go let him out. I found the C220 and it looks great and it would be good to have the extra pan tilt function but I have watched some videos about it and everyone says you can connect it to the Home Base 3 but it doesn’t take advantage of the Bionic Mind AI functionality which seems silly. I just wanted to know if anyone knows if this feature will be added in due course or is Eufy really going to withhold this feature?

Thanks in advance for any replies. :smiley:

Well the compatibility chart for the Home Base 3 says it’s under evaluation… For the BionicMind™ /Modes/Automation part.
~Device possesses the necessary technology for eventual HomeBase 3 compatibility, but the timeframe for compatibility isn’t confirmed at this time.~

So, reading that I guess you’ll have to just take your chances on it happening if you purchase it on their claim.

Eufy’s track record on doing so??? IDK
I have an outdoor cam that’s been out for 3 years now & they still sell them and Pet Detection is still in beta… :neutral_face:

Never buy anything from Eufy based on future capabilities. They have a long history of never delivering promised functionality.