Camera won’t update firmware. / Nightvision issue

Have 2 separate Eufy 2 cameras, both running differing versions of firmware , most likely down to chipset.

The newer one is currently running 4.4.1, I can see the new firmware but it won’t update. Also my night vision won’t switch on automatically I have to manually disable then renable.

Same issue here, did you solve it?
P.S night vision doesn t work even if i enable/disabel it.

same issue as me. Any news?

No update I’m afraid, yesterday once again I removed the camera and readded no change. I’ve emailed CS again, they are aware and ask me to be patient. However as an overnight security product it is useless if the night vision doesn’t auto switch.

Just a heads up I have exact same problem EUFY eventually got back and said they could not fix and should return to seller.

letting you know in case you have a limitied amount of time to inititiate a refund from your seller

I have the same problem about the night vision…
Would be great to have a solution to fix it.