Every time I try to add to see camera to Apple HomeKit particularly when I go to the bridge, I get the following error. Accessory Already in
Another Home
You may need to reset the accessory before adding it to your home. See manufacturer’s guide for more
I have fully reset homebase and reinstalled all accessories for the error remains. It’s like it can’t be removed from Apple HomeKit. Is anyone know how to rectify this situation?
As a follow up I have done a full reset on my Homebase 2 and reinstalled the Eufycam C2 I have also done a full reset of Apple HomeKit and reinstalled all accessories and still when I go through the steps to join my Eufycam to HomeKit all goes well untill I get to adding the Bridge stage and then I get the same message “Accessory Already in Another Home You may need to reset the accessory before adding it to your home. See manufacturer’s guide for more information” anyone else have in this issue or has a fix for it?