Can you help de

Can you help determine WHAT this is?
To me it must be an alien slightly out of view shining a tight beam from a device we call a flashlight onto my generator housing…

A friend calls it a spider close to the lense.

what is YOUR guess?


Someone shinning a Flash Light


maybe just some kind of insect?

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Looks like a spider web


Agreed spider web I have them as well :grinning:

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It’s a spider and web I get them on all my cameras as well. I clean my cameras once every 2 weeks because of them. :grinning:

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Spider web with a spider walking on the web

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I’m getting weird things on my camera as well

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Maybe alien or Alf…? :rofl:

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Most likely bugs. We had that with out previous camera. We could follow them across the camera.

Yep thats what I thought aswell

Spiderweb. Nothing like waking up to hundreds of motion notifications because a web went up overnight and it was a little breezy.

Dust floating around, had it on many of my cameras over the years.

Definitely a spider web, had too many of these over the years blocking my camera footage at night. Had to see in the day time.

I agree a spider web.

spider web getting moved by the breeze. Use white vinegar or peppermint oil. Spray around camera. Should deter. Not harmful. No chemicals.

Spider web sometimes looks like that

Its deffinitely a Spider web