Charging Solocam S220 from integrated or external solar panel

TLDR: for a Solocam S220, can I get a little bit of charge from both the built-in panel and an external solar panel?

I have a Solocam S220 that doesn’t get enough sunlight to maintain its battery charge so I plugged in a solar panel.

Eufy support has told me that switching the Power Source in the Eufy app to “External Solar Panel” disables the built-in panel: “according to our senior engineer, only when you choose external solar panel mode ,the external solar panel can work, let me ask them for some suggestions first, please allow one working day for an update.”.

But It works fine and charges the battery just the same whether I set the Power Source in the Eufy app to “Battery” or “External Solar Panel”. The only difference is when I set it to “Battery” there is an annoying blue light constantly on in the front of the camera.

Anyone knows whether I should set it to battery or external solar panel to take advantage of both charging sources?

You can only use one or the other not both, use the external solar panel not the one integrated in the camera.

well, experience shows the opposite: if I plug in an external solar panel and leave the Power Source on “Battery”, it does charge the camera.
Any way I could then turn the blue led off?