Hello Security Fans,
I am or was the proud owner of a Battery Doorbell from eufy for more than 2 years now. A few days ago, I saw that the protective glass above the camera lens had come loose and condensation was hanging from the inside of the protective glass. This glass was only stuck into the housing with double-sided adhesive tape.
Since then, the doorbell has broken off the connection to Homebase 2 every now and then. In addition, the doorbell is no longer transmitted reliably. The live view only works sporadically, as does the recording of events.
I have now deleted all devices from the app again, logged out of the app, logged in again and set up and synchronised everything again. But that didn’t solve the problem either.
Then the doorbell worked again for a few hours and the live view also worked again. Since this morning, the bell is offline again and once again nothing works.
In addition, the LED on the Homebase has not been working properly for a few weeks. Previously it always lit up blue in normal operation. Now the LED is offline most of the time, but occasionally it lights up blue again… This error occurred some time before the protective glass of the doorbell fell out and the connection problems.
Does anyone else have such problems besides me? I still hope that this is a software problem…
Unfortunately, this is all very frustrating, after all, the doorbell wasn’t exactly cheap.
Best regards