Out if the box, my solar camera connects once, I can view it on my phone. Once I close the app, it disconnects and I’m unable to reestablish a connection using my settings. I have removed the device, reinstalled and same thing. Is this a Wi-Fi issue?
Edit: So, I discovered the camera turns back on upon human detection. It stays online long enough to review the event then goes back offline. Does this camera not support the ability to surveil at random? For instance, open the app and view it’s surroundings?
I have the same problem with E40 camera. It goes offline and there is nothing you can do unless you pass in front of it. It then becomes online again.
Edit: I tested the WiFi signal when it came back online and the eufy app says it’s Great. So… I wonder why the camera just decides to put itself offline for no apparent reason. When it is offline, there is no possibility of changing any of that camera settings or configuration. The only way to get it back online is to move in front of it. It will then ome back online for a few minutes and… go offline again.
I have the exact same problem with two brand new solo cam E40’s. I already have two that are running the same firmware, on the same network that work fine.
My SoloCam S40 is behaving the exact same way. Are these cameras defective or is the latest firmware defective? My System / Firmware Version is:
I suspect that Eufy needs to push out a new firmware update ASAP since this WiFi connection problem is affecting several different cameras. This is an urgent issue as I cannot use my S40 in this condition without a fix.
Something’s wacky. Perhaps eufy is trying something new? To save battery power by putting the camera to sleep, which is a good thing… but haven’t got the bugs quite worked out.
If so you would think opening the app would wake it up and establish a Wi-Fi connection or selecting that camera would, but you say you can’t change any settings or view the liveview cuz it won’t connect.
Email support so they know of this issue…
I have two E40’s, both on same firmware release, and one of them is constantly disconnecting. Other is fine. Makes me think twice about it being a firmware feature.
I purchased mine 3 days ago from Amazon. A firmware check confirms it’s up to date. I need answers or unfortunately I’m going to return it. It’s useless at this point.
Interesting. Sounds like this may be something of a factory defect. If one works and the other doesn’t, that at least gives me a little hope. Then again, that’s only a 50% chance of getting a working one? Oh boy…
Check if there is a powersave setting in the wifi router (likely under advanced settings) and if disabling or changing that to a less strict saving profile helps.
Also, it may be worthwhile to set static IP-address etc to these kind of devices to avoid any DHCP-related problems. Just a guess, I dont have any wifi cameras, but I’ve done this with the homebase2.
Same thing happening to me. I just took them out of the box and installed yesterday. WI-FI strength great at setup point. Cameras work fine upon installation, but then go offline after a few minutes. They will not go back online no matter how many times I refresh. They all come online if I walk in front of the camera. All cameras on 2.4 network. I am replacing Arlos at the same locations, never had connectivity issues with the Arlos.
Just received this fix from Eufy Technical Support this morning. So far, the fix is working and my S40 SoloCam camera is remaining online. I will continue to monitor this over the next day(s).
Simple Fix: please perform a hard reset on your device by holding down the “SYNC” button for 8 seconds, waiting 30 seconds and repeating the setup process.
Hard Reset worked for me too. Perform a hard reset on your device by holding down the “SYNC” button for 8 seconds, waiting 30 seconds and repeating the setup process.
To all others who try the hard reset: You really have to wait at least 30 seconds… be patient and it will work.