Door sensors keep beeping - even though all are disabled

Hi there, I have been using an eufy system now for 4 years and I am super happy and satisfied with all of it really. Now I have encountered a small issue which needs fixing: My Configuration: (Firmware us up-to-date according to the device info in the app)

HomeBase 2
8 x eufyCam 2c
15 x door/window sensors

One of my 8 cameras is now mounted in front of a bird feeder and I want it to record when a bird uses it. I have created a special security mode in which all alarms have been disabled (cameras, sensors) - only the camera for the birds has notifications and recording turned ON.

When I activate this security mode, the sensors (doors, windows) beep every time when I ópen/close one of the doors/windows. The other 7 cameras behave fine.

I dont want the door/window sensors to beep - I have not found a way to turn that off.

When the system is in “disarmed” mode - no sounds - all good. When the system in our custom “sleeping” mode (all devices are alarmed except 2) than it is also fine.

I have already deleted the new “bird” mode and created it anew - no change.

I have no more ideas.

Any help would be appreciated.


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