The bell works perfectly, up to 20 m from the home base. But when I click it into the cradle (MOUNT) it’s stop working and I have to reconnect it .I put it in the mount and taped it without actually pushing it al the way in, and then it keeps working. And the mount is mounted correctly
Is it possible your top mounting screw isn’t screwed in deeply enough and is making contact with the Sync button on the back of the doorbell?
No, screw is completely screwed in. Original screw
Can you share pictures of the setup?
I have the same problem. I have to be very careful when pushing the doorbell into the mount. If apply light pressure its not enough to make the doorbell “click” into the mount. If apply slightly more pressure then the doorbell resets and I have to go through the sync routine again (requiring me to take the doorbell out of the mount!).
After 4x attempts I finally managed to get the doorbell into the mount with just enough pressure not to force the reset. But I know next time I need to take it out to recharge the battery I’m going to be faced with this problem again!
I’m pretty sure the problem is down to poor placing of the reset functionality on the back of the doorbell. I’ve checked and double-checked the mount and the screws are completely flush.
If you read this Eufy, I suggest you re-model to make the reset button less sensitive. I’d also suggest changing the plastic mount to metal to make the whole mounting more secure and less vulnerable to someone trying to rip the doorbell off the wall.