Eufy Wired Doorbell - Motion Detection & Notification


Just installed my new wired video doorbell. Worked great during day time with motion detection and picture quality very good.

At night there was no motion detection and no notifications. This morning it is grey and rainy day and still no motion detection. I have checked firmware is latest update, all settings are the same.

Please help.

Thank you

Did you expect motion detections at night? Your problem description isn’t very clear.
What motion did you expect would trigger the doorbell?

What is the latest system firmware that you have?
Is the lighting of the activity zone bright at night or rather dark?
Maybe try and turn off Auto Night Vision. That might help in low light situations.
Maybe adjust the sensitivity?

Thanks for feedback, I have tried the above. I had downloaded the Eufy app on my phone and two other devices. All three devices are signed in with the same account. Maybe this is why the notification stopped working. Pressing the bell works fine and we get alerts on all devices. But when motion is detected there is no recording or notification. Could this be the cause of the problem?

Thanks for your questions. First it was a case where notifications did not work at night, and now during the day for any human movement. I walk in front of the camera and no alerts come through. As mentioned below, I was signed onto multiple devices using the same login account on all. Could this be the cause?

I’m signed in on my tablet, too. It does not do any harm for me.
Is it very warm where you are at now? Otherwise I’m beginning to believe the doorbell is breaking down…

Can you make changes in the motion detection, activity zone, etc. within the doorbell settings? Do you get a unable to connect to the Homebase error or any other errors? My Homebase wasn’t communicating with my 2C cameras and I’m wondering if that’s what’s happening to your doorbell. I think they may be having issues with the Homebase 2 in some instances.

I don’t have the Eufy app on more than one device, but I wouldn’t think that should matter.

Mine is the electric bell without the Homebase. I’ve made motion changes and activity zones. Still detection seems to work only during the day time.

I am looking to get the floodlit cams too, but want to test this out. If i can get the floodlit cam from Eufy I can do a full review free. :slight_smile:

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Are the recordings showing up in the Eufy app at all? If it’s brand new there should be notifications and recordings on your Eufy app if you’re walking in front of it especially during the daytime and the doorbell and app are up to date on the firmware. Is it still returnable for a exchange? I think that might be the way to go.

Ive only had it 10 days so yes I will return it - looks like faulty sensor.

@sosync1 reset the doorbell to factory settings and try to set it up again. If the problem with motion detection still exist, you can contact they will be able to guide you.

Thank you this issue has been resolved by your team.

Eufy service support and teams are efficient, professional and in my experience Outstanding.

As a customer, I have tried many other products from other companies, but Eufy quality i am impressed with so far. And will be looking to get other suite of products too.

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@sosync1 Glad to know it’s resolved for you and good to know you are happy with eufy and their support.

Thank you for your appreciation! We will continue to keep outstanding!